Random Post: September 14, 2013
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    Happy Harvest Time! :-) OCTOBER meeting Tonight! 10/12/13

    October 12th, 2013


    Thanks to our late great Publisher/Treasurer, Mrs. Carolyn Montgomery, and the sixty dollars she left us in the Treasury, The Detroit Folklore Society recently acquired three new large print Leader editions of  Rise Up Singing.  Because of the generosity of the members of DFS, 50% of the proceeds for the new LIVE! QUENCH CD were used to purchase another new book.  Dues paid for 2013 by the members present at our September gathering were used to acquire two more.  The DFS now has six (6) new editions of the large print Rise Up Singing.

    Come sing with us tonight and use one of the new books!  We’ll be singing Harvest Songs and bringing a snack to share.  We’ll be meeting tonight at Denny and Claire’s.  Here’s hoping to see you there at 8:00.

    Happy New Year :-) and a time for HARVEST SONGS :-)

    October 8th, 2013

    It’s already Fall/Autumn!  😉  The Sky isn’t falling, and neither are prices, but the dues for the Detroit Folklore Society remain the same:  $5.00 a year.

    This year we used the remainder of our former dues paid – – the $60.00 from Carolyn Montgomery (our late Great Secretary-Treasurer) and put it toward the purchase of the larger print version of RISE UP SINGING.  That got us three books, and the purchase of the new LIVE!  QUENCH CD (Many thanks to those of you who made the purchase and unknowingly, the contribution.) facilitated a 50% of the purchase price donation to DFS toward yet another book.  Bottom line:  pay your dues of  ONLY $5.00 at the next DFS meeting on October 12th (HAPPY COLUMBUS DAY, Christopher!  🙂 and help the DFS to acquire more sorely needed books for OUR use.  Thanks, in advance  😉

    At our September meeting, the theme was jokingly suggested as “Anything BUT a Dylan Song”, but either that or a song about the Weather was also an accepted theme song.  Some came on september 14th to Denny and Claire’s house with the idea that the theme was something to do with the moon – – hummmm – – did I post that?????   🙂

    Our group was small due to the holidays and other regrets.  BUT, it was a warm and friendly familiar group comprised of long time members who were able to make it.  First, Charlene took us to page 232 in RISE UP SINGING and we joined in on “Five Hundred Miles”.  then Jacqui followed with “Precious Friend” on page 67.   Susanne sang “Blue Moon of Kentucky” (not in the book) and informed us that it was Elvis Presley’s first demo for SUN Records.  Denny charmed us with “Nothing But Time”, and, sticking to the WEATHER theme, Marilyn sang one of her own songs, “Lupton In The Rain’.   Claire sang “Only Remembered” from WAR HORSE  (Opening Dec. 17th at The Fischer Theatre in Detroit and running through January 5th, 2014.  It will run EVERY NIGHT , Tuesday through Sunday with matinees on both Saturday and Sunday.)  Tom took us to the “Rising Of The Moon” on page 218, and we followed with a break to have some  gifts of the Table and continued the evening thinking of Mike and wishing him well as we closed the evening with Irish songs.

    We look forward to seeing You All at Denny and Claire’s to celebrate a Good Harvest, and Great Times with Fine Friends.  We will surely harvest some fine music together on October 12th.  Here’s hoping to see You with your $5.00 toward the new DFS books and something to share during break (nibbles and bits) if only a smile.  Thanks, in advance, and until we meet again, be well and Live in Peace with a song in Your Heart.

    September 14, 2013

    September 14th, 2013

    Welcome back!  🙂  As we begin a New Year and Canpegi Wi (When Leaves Turn Brown) we meet at Denny and Claire’s at 8:00 p.m.  Ted informed me that the theme is “Anything You Want To Sing As Long As It’s Not A Bob Dylan Song” – – either that or a song about WEATHER & SEASONS.

    Bring a dish or something to share – – if nothing else, bring smiles 🙂 :0) 😉  Discussion will include the acquisition of more “RISE UP SINGING” books in large print.  We’ll be looking forward to seeing you!


    OCT. – Harvest Songs

    NOV. – Winter/MOON SONGS

    DEC. – Songs to Warm the Heart

    JAN. – New Beginnings

    FEB. – Sweetheart Songs

    MAR. – Chilly Winds

    APR. – Flower Power

    MAY – May Be, or May Be NOT/May Bee

    JUN. – Farewell Songs



    Last May and June 8th

    June 8th, 2013

    It was very bittersweet at Natalie and Larry’s beautiful house May 11th.  Our theme was “Sing In Groups”, but we were also remembering our dear secretary/treasurer, Carolyn.  We sang in a group of Carolyn’s children, and we learned some of the history of the Detroit Folklore Society.  Katie brought old newspaper articles and photos and told of how she and Carolyn began the Half Lyre together in the summer of 1964.  It is hoped that over the summer Katie and Marilyn can meet to gather much more historical information to post regarding the history of DFS.

    Carolyn’s youngest daughter, Karol, began the evening with “Bonny Portmore”, a song that tells the story of the leveling of the forests of the Highlands in northern Scotland (Carolyn’s beloved Scotland) for military and shipbuilding purposes.  It is a traditional Celtic folksong, but can be heard on You Tube by both Loreena McKinnett (from her album, The Visit) and Laura Creamer (from Highlander the Series Volume II).  Next, Marilyn sang an old DFS favorite, “In My Mother’s House”, as we’ve been singing Stuart Stotts’ song in our group for years, and,  Susanne followed with “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”, where we all hope to meet again some day.  Larry led us in “Sweet Afton”, which was originally a poem about the Afton Water in Ayrshire, Scotland.  It was written by Robert Burns in 1791 and set to music by Jonathan E. Spilman in 1837, under the title “Flow Gently, Sweet Afton”, as Robert Burns was always one of Carolyn’s favorites, it was performed in her honor.  Nail your feet to the kitchen floor, ’cause “You Ain’t Goin’ Nowhere”, is a song by Bob Dylan, originally released on Bob Dylan’s Greatest Hits Volume II in 1971 and sung many times by the DFS, but this time, led by Charlene.  Carolyn and Bob’s daughter, Kim, and her husband, Jay, led us in “The Water is Wide” (the James Taylor version), also known as “O Waly, Waly”, an old Irish folk song first published in 1724.  Our Co-President, Ted, led us in another old DFS favorite, “Ramblin’ Boy” from American folk singer, Tom Paxton’s debut album in 1964.  Bob and Carolyn’s Karen was next, and she sang another of our old, well-loved songs, Bruce “Utah” Phillips’ “The Goodnight-Loving Trail” about a disgruntled cowhand on the trail from Texas southwest to Horsehead Crossing on the Pecos River. Larry’s cousin, Eddy, played mandolin wonderfully well to a song he composed entitled, “Dance With Me Betsy”, which was very easily followed by the group. Jacqui sang while Karol signed “Amazing Grace”.  Both did a beautiful job and we all gladly sang along.  Buddy Wasisname and The Otherfellers wrote “By The Glow Of The Kerosene Light”, but Denny led us in singing the song he and Claire fell in love with while listening to it performed by The Once.  “Wild Mountain Thyme” (also known as “Purple Heather” and “Will Ye Go, Lassie, Go?”) is a folk song written by Francis McPeake, a member of a well known musical family in Belfast, of Scottish origin and was sung by Bob and Carolyn’s family as we all sang along.  Claire led us in “Morning Has Broken”, written to the tune, “Bunessan” which was composed in the Scottish Highlands and written as a hymn to give thanks for each day by Eleanor Farjeon, an English author, in 1931, but popularized by Cat Stevens in 1971.  Carol and Bob’s daughter, Kim, led us in “Mairi’s Wedding”, a Scottish folk song originally written in Gaelic and known also as “Mairi Bahn”. She is a marvel on those pipes she plays, and can be hired to play at events.  We learned from her that the bag pipes’ drone is the same note, whereas, the pipes’ drone creates a chord.  As this was also to be Tom’s choice, he led us, instead, in a world-wide beloved song by John Denver and friends, “(Take Me Home) Country Roads”.  Next, Kevin, of the Montgomery clan, led us in “The Larks They Sang Melodious” (also known as “Pleasant and Delightful”, a traditional English ballad) and, Eileen followed with Kate Wolf’s “Great Divide”.  Our delightful hostess, Natalie, reminded us to “Keep On The Sunny Side” of Life by singing a popular American song originally written in 1899 by Ada Blenkhorn with music by J. Howard Entwisle which was popularized in 1928 by The Carter Family, and we all joined in song before we broke to enjoy treats from around the world.

    Our June 8th meeting will be held at Tom and Charlene’s house and the theme will be HONORING FRIENDS (as was chosen for the last HALF LYRE by our beloved Carolyn).  Bring a snack to share, and be there by 8:00 or be square. If you need directions to Tom and Charlene’s, give Marilyn a call at 248 252-6115.  Here’s hoping to see you all at our last meeting until next September.  Have a great summer everyone!

    Many thanks to our beloved secretary/treasurer, Carolyn Montgomery

    May 6th, 2013

    It is with a heavy heart that I bring you the news of the passing of our beloved Secretary/Treasurer and Founding Member of The Detroit Folklore Society, Carolyn Montgomery.   Luckily, she passed peacefully in the night lying next to her husband and lover of almost 65 years, Robert.   Thankfully, she is no longer beset by physical ailment.   Her delicate soprano voice will be sorely missed not only for its loveliness, but because she truly brought folk music to the group from abroad, most usually, her beloved Scotland. She had retired from mailing the Half Lyre, saying no one read it, anyway, but that simply wasn’t true.   I know, because I’ve saved them all, being a philatelist, and very much enjoyed the interesting tidbits she always included, along with songs and her humorous interjections.   She (and The Half Lyre) will be sorely missed.   We will be honoring her at Natalie and Larry’s house in May.

    As I was away in Florida for the month of April, our co-president, Mr. Ted, took copious notes for me, and if I have made any mistakes in names, etc., I apologize in advance.

    Firstly, we’d like to congratulate Hannah and Jack on the birth of their tenth grandchild, a granddaughter, Adina Tferes, gentle beauty.   As it was Larry’s birthday, Natalie made a cake with lots of chocolate and cool whip.   Two musical groups were present, “Happy Hour” with Brother, Jim and Tim, and the “Waterstone Duo”.   As Jim, Tim and Sue all play fiddles, DFS now, officially, has a string section.   As our newest luthier just had shoulder surgery, Larry has not yet buffed the guitar he’s completed making, but, soon, it WILL be done (at the meeting at his house?).

    As the last Half Lyre printed and mailed by Carolyn states, the theme was HISTORICAL SONGS.   Sue began with “When I’m Sixty-Four”, and was followed by Bob S with “Ellis Island”.   “The Yellow Rose of Texas”, or as it was originally entitled, “Emily, Maid of Morgan’s Point” was inspired by Emily West, an indentured servant to John Morgan who apparently won the heart of a black soldier who wrote the song about her, and was sung by Jacqui, who hosted the evening (thank you, Jacqui).   Larry amused everyone with his song, “The Hysterical Historical Society”, followed by Tim who presented “Battle of New Orleans”.   Charlene led with “Aragon Mill” about the mill once so prosperous and now gone.  Brother, Jim, sang the WWI song, “Mademoiselle of Armentieres” (Hinky Dinky Parlez Vous) about the poor gal who hadn’t been paid in forty years and made her living “upside down”.  Natalie brought James Kerrigen’s “Red River Valley”, and was followed by Lisa who sang Connecticut’s state anthem, “Yankee Doodle” about the British mocking the disheveled colonists by calling them ‘doodles’, or simpletons who wore Macaroni wigs, making them floppish and effeminate (how insulting!).  Ted sang Michael Peter Smith’s song “Spoon River” which is loosely based on the Spoon River Anthology, and, Denny sang “Nothing But Time”.  Tom sang an anthem of the labor movement, “We Shall Not Be Moved” and the meeting ended with Hannah playing “Birth of the Blues”, followed by Jack playing “The Nearness of You”.

    Eerily, (Prophetically?) Carolyn assigned the theme HONORING FRIENDS to June, and at Larry and Natalie’s house, we will be doing just that, as we honor our dear friend, Carolyn Montgomery, even though May’s theme is SING IN GROUPS. Please bring a favorite memory of Carolyn to share with the group, along with your song and a snack to share.  Thank you.  We’re looking forward to being together on May 11th when we’ll celebrate Carolyn and all those with birthdays in May.

    Our March Meeting

    March 20th, 2013

    On March 9th we met at Denny and Claire’s house to sing Children/Animal Songs. As we began with our news update, we learned that congratulations are in order to Natalie and Larry for the birth of their new great- grandson, Edward James. CONGRATULATIONS! 🙂 Ruby invited us to join her and Women Walking Woodward For Peace (on Facebook). If you give her your e-mail address she’ll keep you updated. She also shared her daughter’s hope for success through Leap Now. Not only has Nadja earned over $1600 on her own since graduating, but she’s gone to San Francisco and done a fantastic video interview in hopes to do an internship somewhere in the world and hopefully learn midwifery. India will be her first stop on her journey, provided she raises enough money. All donations are thankfully accepted and Ruby will send updates through Indiegogo. To this very talented young woman and phenomenally gifted artist we wish much success.

    As we began our song circle, Denny delighted us by beginning with a Mick McConnell song, “Watermelon Wine”. He told us he learned it in Ireland, but had to buy quite a few beers to get all the lyrics from the locals 🙂 Jacqui followed with an old favorite of DFS’, “Waltzing With Bears”. Larry shared Greg Brown’s “Whippoorwill” and Susanne sang Sally Roger’s “Lovely Agnes”. We thoroughly enjoyed her violin playing, as well. Next, we had fun joining Natalie in Tom Paxton’s “The Marvelous Toy” as it went “zip” when it moved, “bop when it stopped”, and “whirr” when it stood still (We still don’t know what it is, either!). Ted informed us, “because the Lord ain’t got no cuspidor”, “The Preacher Went Down To Pray”. “That’s all there is, and there ain’t no more”, Saint Peter said, and he closed the door. Painted wings and giants’ rings made way for other toys when Charlene led us in Peter Yarrow and Leonard Lipton’s “Puff The Magic Dragon” and Claire delightfully sang James Taylor’s “Sweet Baby James” while Ted and Denny played a wonderful accompaniment. Then, Marilyn reminded us “we can’t return, we can only look behind from where we came” as she sang Joni Mitchell’s “Circle Game”, followed by A.J.’s superbly delivered rendition of “Danny Boy” which, though commonly thought to be an Irish song, is actually an English ballad written by English songwriter Frederic Weatherly and usually set to the Irish tune of the “Londonderry Air”. Twas followed by a truly Irish ballad, “The Rising Of the Moon” by Tom and we concluded our song circle with an original tune by Ruby, “Don’t Let The Water Out” (everybody’s got to take a bath!). Instead, we decided to break for some wonderful snacks and coffee or tea before we reconvened for more musical merriment.

    Before we concluded, we decided that our past paid dues should be applied to the purchase of large print “Rise Up Singing” books for use at our meetings, and that the April 13th meeting (Larry’s birthday) will be at Jacqui’s house. The theme for that evening will be HISTORICAL SONGS. If you can’t bring a snack to share, bring your own tea bag, a dollar to put into the coffee kitty, or just bring a song and a smile to share. You’re still welcome! 🙂

    March 9th, 2013

    March 9th, 2013

    Hello, All You Fine Folk! 🙂

    It’s that time again! We’ll be meeting at Denny and Claire’s house tonight at 8:00. The theme is Animal or Children’s songs. Bring a song and something to share during break (a snack, interesting tea, etc., if you can, but don’t feel you have to) and if you can’t think of a song, and can’t afford to bring something to share, just bring a smile – – you’re still welcome.

    Someone left a tuner at DFS quite some time ago, and it’ll be at the meeting tonight. If you can identify it, it’ll be returned to you.

    Here’s hoping to see you there!

    Love, Love Lost, or Lonely Songs

    February 11th, 2013

    First, the entire DFS would like to wholeheartedly thank the amazingly talented, Steve Deasy, for establishing this website for us (if you haven’t heard his music, you should check it out . . .)

    Secondly, we’d like to thank Eileen for hosting our February meeting, which begins with signing up with your name and the song you’ll be singing while we discuss ‘New Business’. Our new business began with the discussion of the purchase of new copies of RISE UP SINGING, but most had their own copy.

    A.J. said he fully intends to have the Assembly Line Concert IV in Highland Park this year with a march at the end of 400+ hours of music on October 7th that actually ends at the Highland Park Assembly Plant. He was also proud to be a part of the first urban solar street lights on Victor Street, and also told us he sells coffee at 515 S. Washington where our own Hannah Waterstone will be accompanying vocalist, Steven Savage, on piano on February 17th at 7:00 p.m. in a cabaret show.

    Marilyn said she and Jere will be performing with the band, QUENCH, at The Steak Hut, 1551 W Lafayette Blvd, Detroit, MI 48216 from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (where they have live music every Sunday from 11:00 – 1:00) and that the breakfast special (if you arrive before 11:00, is less than $3 – – UNBELIEVABLE!!!!) AND THE MUSIC’S FREE!

    We began with Eileen singing Tom Paxton’s “When We Were Good”, then moved into a traditional Irish love song, “Do You Love An Apple?” led by Charlene (which, ironically, Claire had originally planned to sing). That was followed by Denny’s choice, Wince Cole’s “The Glow of the Kerosene Light”, which reminded him of his Canadian boyhood before everyone had electricity and kerosene lamps were quite popular. Ted led us into a Johnny Cash rendition of “I Still Miss Someone” in his best impression of the man in black (very close, I might ad! 🙂 and Jere sang Procol Harem’s debut song, “Whiter Shade of Pale ” (co authored by Gary Brooker, Keith Reid and Matthew Fisher) while we all hummed the familiar Bach-derived accompaniment. Tom led us in an 18th century folk song, “Shady Grove” and Marilyn followed with a song written by Irving Berlin when he was in the U.S. Army and stationed in Yaphank, New York, originally titled, “Yip Yip Yaphank”, but ‘put on the back burner’ until 1938 when, on Armistice Day 1938, it was sung by Kate Smith as “God Bless America”. A.J. sang a beautifully moving delivery of Andy William’s “Love Story” (“Where Do I Begin”) and was followed by an equally moving performance of “Killing Me Softly With His Song” by Sarah (not unlike Roberta Flack’s 1973 performance of the song composed by Charles Fox and written by Norman Gimbel). Jacqui tried to lead us in “My Lady’s a Wild Flying Dove”, but, it being a more obscure Tom Paxton song (not in RISE UP SINGING) wasn’t what Jacqui had hoped it would be, nor was it anything to make Mr. Paxton proud. Ruby lamented, “By The Time I Get to Phoenix” (he’ll be rising) taking liberty with Jimmy Webb’s version. Claire, who had abandoned “Do You Love An Apple?” decided upon W. B. Yeats’ “Down By the Sally Garden” and we all learned that a weir is a low dam that is built across a small body of water such as a stream or brook to raise the level of it, or to redirect the flow of it. Jack played “My Funny Valentine” on his saxaphone, and was beautifully accompanied by his lovely wife, Hannah on piano. It was then Hannah’s turn, and Jack played along as she presented an original composition, “Falling in Love at the Waterfall”.

    At break, we all enjoyed each others’ company as well as the snacks and beverages we all brought to share, then we reconvened for one more round of songs we all love to sing until it wasn’t Saturday night any longer.

    Next month we’ll meet at Denny and Claire’s at 8:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 9th, so bring your copy of RISE UP SINGING and a snack to share and join us when we sing ANIMAL/CHILDREN SONGS.

    Trains, towns, and tunes . . .

    February 4th, 2013

    Here’s hoping this finds You enjoying 2013!

    Our customary meeting in January is at the home of our Co-President, Mr. Ted Berlinghof, where we always delight in seeing the latest in the Berlinghof family trains. Every year is different. As Ted and his kids have designed and manufactured the towns, props, and city names, it’s inclusive of his children, and their children’s names, and quite cleverly done!

    As is usual, we begin the meeting with NEW news, and OLD news. NEW news included the upcoming presentations of “Sleeping Beauty” by the Moscow Ballet (it was BEAUtiful!), and Shen Yun at the Detroit Opera House (it was phenomenal!). OLD news was from AJ, who told us to make sure we check out the McDonald’s on Woodward Ave. in Highland Park, as it’s a treasure trove of information about our own FORD Model T plant.

    As SOMEONE didn’t read his Half-Lyre (the very last ever published Half-Lyre by our own under-appreciated secretary-treasurer, Carolyn Montgomery) and see that the theme for the month was a SONG WITH A MAN OR WOMAN’S NAME IN IT, a secondary theme was posted as ‘Chilly Winds”. Consequently, DFS’ own Denny Sinnett began the year with “Chilly Winds”. This was followed by Eileen who was “Going Down The Road Feeling Bad” (we hope that gets better by the time we visit her house in February). Marilyn was asked to sing Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah”, wherein David heard there was a secret chord, and Claire sang “The Road to Drumleman” which included both topics with ‘the winter winds blew oer the Eenen’s or Creggin’s wild shore’ before Greg led us in Donovan’s “Try And Catch The Wind”. Tom sang “Goodnight, Irene” with us, and Ted had us sing of “The Leaves That Are Green” followed by Ruby singing of an “Ill Wind”. A.J. led us in “Sweet Baby James”, and Hannah wowed us on piano with “Story Weather”, and her hubby, Jack, concluded the first part of the evening with “On a Clear Day” played beautifully on his saxaphone.

    Next, we broke for snacks (that we all bring to share) and proceeded to delight in the trains. After break, we ended in our traditional song jam until everyone had to depart.

    We look forward to seeing you at Eileen’s house for LONELY SONGS and/or SONGS OF LOVE. The meeting begins at 8:00 p.m. with any news you’d like to share, unless you’re too late, and we’re already singing 🙂

    Happy New Year!

    February 4th, 2013

    Detroit Folklore Society ended 2012 at the Snow-Carey residence, and sang carols and made beautiful music, and mourned the passing of Detoit’s own Brian Cleary, pianist superb. Brian kept alive the songs of the ’30’s. He will be missed. Our own Carolyn was also sorely missed, due to her recent mishap (ususally we hold our December meeting at her house). We hold her in prayer and wish her a speedy recovery.

    We began our meeting with the lovely Ms. Ruby Jones singing “What Color is Love?” by Terry Collier, a Chicago guitarist (who also passed in 2012). Eileen led us in “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas”, and Ann Kerwin followed with “Mary’s Boy Child”. Next up was our hostess, Charlene, with “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”, and then Mike Kerwin told us to “Go Tell It on the Mountain”. Claire Crabtree sang “All Through The Night”, and Natalie led us in “Where Have All the Flowers Gone?”. Marilyn led us in “Deck The Halls” (featuring our guest, Haleyrose on violin), Jacquie sang a rendition of “Christmas in Killarney”, and our wonderfully creative co-president, Ted Berlinghof, sang his “Christmas Goodtime Blues”. Anna brought one of her gifted students, Ms. Haleyrose, who joined us on her violin in a beautiful presentation of “Away in the Manger’. Greg graced us with the optimism of “If We Make It Through December” 🙂 and was followed by Jim Boynton’s sad rendition of “When the Ice Worms Nest Again”. Tom Carey brought us back to familiarity with “Jingle Bells” and Allison Donahue played a beautiful cello accompaniment to “Silent Night”. Michael Birac hailed “Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer”, and Dave Nichols reminded us that “Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer”. After that, we surely had to turn the coin to sing “Dona Nobis Pachem” with Sarah, and we finished the evening with Anna singing “Oh, Come Little Children”. All were reminded to wear red on Monday on appear in Lansing on Wednesday to protest Michigan becoming a ‘right to work state’. We wish You a safe and happy new year.